3 May 2003, 17:27
Born Sinful
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Links, Links, Links: The second comming
Ok, I've finished the coding of the replacement for the "Links, Links, Links!" thread.
You can find it (and play with it) here.
Please note:
1) The submission form will be offline until I have completed 2)
2) I have started the horrible task of transfering all the links from the thread into the database. However, it's bloody boring and so far I've only got down to the top of the "delphi" section of the revised list (the post about halfway down the links thread). It's made even longer by the fact that I'm checking all the links still work.
3) Thanks to pab for comming up with a list of categories - I've slimmed it down considerably because the system allows not only multiple field selection/sorting but full text searching as well, so the categories are now very general and serve to group things into a broad area for further searching.
Treat it nicely fs!
Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen.
7 May 2003, 12:15
Love's Sweet Exile
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Living on a Stair (Now Sword-less)
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Very pretty, just one thing seems a bit borked. If you click "Administration", it (rightly) shows the browser user/pass prompt- i click cancel, but am then unable to navigate anywhere else, as the other links then also bring up the user/pass prompt.
Ba Ba Ti Ki Di Do
7 May 2003, 12:32
Rawr rawr
Join Date: Dec 2000
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Posts: 5,279
it looks pretty... How did you load all those links in the DB? Did you enter them manually?
I also want to take over all those links for my own site. I just can't be arsed to enter them all.
7 May 2003, 13:14
Born Sinful
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Location: Loughborough, UK
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No you're not meant to be able to access Administration, that link is just there for my own convenience. Good point about the 401 page though - I'm fixing it now.
The links I'm doing manually (snore) so I'll do another 50 odd tonight. S/I when I'm finished if you like I can provide the database in SQL form.
The table is in the format:
ID (primary key, int(10)), timestamp (int(10)), name (text), url(text), description (text), category (text), moderate (tinyint(3)).
The moderate field I use simply to determine whether to display items in the listing or not, as I have a moderation system going on for the public submision form.
Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen.
Last edited by meglamaniac; 7 May 2003 at 13:20.
10 May 2003, 20:29
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i was a bit bored this evening so i generated an xml-file out of BuddhistPunks post in the other thread, so if you give me your db-table-structure and table-name i can easiely generate the insert statments for you
im not tolerant, i just dont care.
10 May 2003, 20:54
Join Date: Jun 2002
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The W3C link says it's not valid HTML, I'm buggered if I can see why though.
Very nicely done though
Das machine is nicht fur gefingerpoken und mittengrabben. Ist easy
schnappen der springenwerk, blowenfusen und corkenpoppen mit
spitzensparken. Ist nicht fur gewerken by das dummkopfen. Das
rubbernecken sightseeren keepen hands in das pockets. Relaxen und vatch
das blinkenlights!!!
10 May 2003, 21:19
Henry Kelly
Join Date: Apr 2000
Posts: 7,352
Because he hasn't double-quoted his href's.
You're now playing ketchup
10 May 2003, 22:45
Born Sinful
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It was last time I checked it...
/me buggers off to look
Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen.
10 May 2003, 22:46
Born Sinful
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Location: Loughborough, UK
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ah - yep, i modified the navbar include and forgot the quotes.
Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen.
15 May 2003, 02:05
/dev/zero Retired Mod
Join Date: May 2000
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It might be valid but it looks **** in gecko
#linux : Home of Genius
<idimmu> ok i was chained to a desk with this oriental dude
28 May 2003, 13:00
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thats geckos problem then..?
ps: can we also have uk computer online shops in it this time round.
28 May 2003, 14:13
Born Sinful
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I'll see what I can do - sorry it's not been updated as promised; I let it slip before the exams and I'm kinda busy now (especially as for the one tomorrow, myself and two mates on the course have been to about 5 lectures total).
hey ho...
Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen.
28 May 2003, 18:44
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 618
oh i see liek that is it I wont be forced out u havnt hrd the last of me! i'd have gotten away with it if it werent for u meddling kids.
looks good
i am banned cos i am a complete and utterl moron. i wish i wash litke hajmyjimmm cos hes gthe greatest person in te the rowlrd.
28 May 2003, 23:21
Born Sinful
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You've been on the Pro-Plus again havn't you?
Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen.
1 Jun 2003, 08:55
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Did you ever see what it looks like in mozilla? Looks to me like you only made it IE compatible :\
:: R4: 163:22:13 :: R5: 2:14:20 :: R6: 21:5:15 :: R7: 29:19:3 :: R8: 41:7:8 :: R9: 36:7:2 :: R9.5: 2:4:2 ::
The Web brings people together because no matter what kind of a twisted sexual mutant you happen to be, you've got millions of pals out there. Type in "Find people that have sex with goats that are on fire" and the computer will ask, "Specify type of goat."
Jason Alexander
1 Jun 2003, 11:14
Henry Kelly
Join Date: Apr 2000
Posts: 7,352
Take a screenie of it in Moz then.
The only thing that could be ****ing things about is the CSS has minor errors in it, no inclusion of generic font families for a start.
What kind of crap's going on if Moz can't display an HTML4 and CSS2 valid page?
You're now playing ketchup
1 Jun 2003, 12:22
Born Sinful
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Sokar, it conforms to HTML 4.01 Trans and CSS.
If your browser can't display it properly, then it isn't rendering to the standard properly - I'm not about to start putting non-standard code in after all the effort I went to making sure it DID conform to the standard.
I asked people to test it for me in Netscape and in Mozilla to see how it worked in the other 2 major browsers and go the OK. I've tested it myself in Mozilla in the uni labs (on RedHat 8) and it works fine.
There's nothing more I can do.
Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen.
1 Jun 2003, 12:28
Love's Sweet Exile
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Living on a Stair (Now Sword-less)
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It works ok in Opera, it looks verystrange as it is loading - "tabulation" things all over the place, but once it finishes its fine
Ba Ba Ti Ki Di Do
1 Jun 2003, 12:38
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:: R4: 163:22:13 :: R5: 2:14:20 :: R6: 21:5:15 :: R7: 29:19:3 :: R8: 41:7:8 :: R9: 36:7:2 :: R9.5: 2:4:2 ::
The Web brings people together because no matter what kind of a twisted sexual mutant you happen to be, you've got millions of pals out there. Type in "Find people that have sex with goats that are on fire" and the computer will ask, "Specify type of goat."
Jason Alexander
1 Jun 2003, 12:46
Born Sinful
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Location: Loughborough, UK
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Looks like it isn't dealing with <td colspan=blah> properly.
1.3.1 is out as is 1.4 RC1 - all I can suggest is trying it in one of them.
Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen.
1 Jun 2003, 12:58
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Looks the same in 1.3.1 and don't really want to install a rc-1 version.
:: R4: 163:22:13 :: R5: 2:14:20 :: R6: 21:5:15 :: R7: 29:19:3 :: R8: 41:7:8 :: R9: 36:7:2 :: R9.5: 2:4:2 ::
The Web brings people together because no matter what kind of a twisted sexual mutant you happen to be, you've got millions of pals out there. Type in "Find people that have sex with goats that are on fire" and the computer will ask, "Specify type of goat."
Jason Alexander
1 Jun 2003, 13:08
Born Sinful
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can you give me the build identifier for your copy of Mozilla (preferably the 1.3.1 install)?
It's in Help -> About Mozilla and probably begins "Mozilla/5.0..."
Also, is it just that page that shows wrong, or all of them (the home page etc)?
Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen.
1 Jun 2003, 14:05
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Mozilla 1.3.1
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.3.1) Gecko/20030425
It's basically looking like that on all the pages.
:: R4: 163:22:13 :: R5: 2:14:20 :: R6: 21:5:15 :: R7: 29:19:3 :: R8: 41:7:8 :: R9: 36:7:2 :: R9.5: 2:4:2 ::
The Web brings people together because no matter what kind of a twisted sexual mutant you happen to be, you've got millions of pals out there. Type in "Find people that have sex with goats that are on fire" and the computer will ask, "Specify type of goat."
Jason Alexander
1 Jun 2003, 14:19
Born Sinful
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Location: Loughborough, UK
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Well, I've submitted a bug report on the site, but I'm expecting a response along the lines of "fixed for 1.4".
We shall see...
Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen.
1 Jun 2003, 16:20
Born Sinful
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Ok, different response from expected.
The good news is that it's a recognised problem to do with me using "pseudo-columns" (ie. some columns which are spanned by others, in particular in combination with some specific width assignments). The problem is that space is not allocated for pseudo-columns, thus nicely screwing up the layout.
This is along the lines I was guessing at earlier.
The bad news is that the html spec doesn't really cover this situation, leaving it up to the developers to decide what to do about it.
Unfortunately the Mozilla team, in contradiction to how just about every other major browser works, sees the way they render it as "correct" behaviour - ie. space will not be allocated for a column that, technically, isn't drawn (even though it's vital for the layout).
I'm waiting for a response on what they plan to do in version 1.4 before I consider what to do about this. Judging from the number of similar reports I've been directed to, there are plenty more users who're frustrated by this so-called "correct" rendering pattern, so they may yet alter it.
Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen.
1 Jun 2003, 16:37
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megla is teh good
Originally posted by Dace
1 Jun 2003, 17:09
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Originally posted by meglamaniac
I'm waiting for a response on what they plan to do in version 1.4 before I consider what to do about this. Judging from the number of similar reports I've been directed to, there are plenty more users who're frustrated by this so-called "correct" rendering pattern, so they may yet alter it.
Why wait for 1.4? Most people use 1.0, I think. You can force a table cell to exist with an &nbsp; or a Unicode zero-width space &#8203;.
ObStyleNazi: Using tables for this kind of layout is horrible when <div>s and styles and borders and so forth could do at least some of the jobs. And you probably shouldn't use alt="tabulation", etc - ok, alternate text is required by the validator, but someone using a textmode browser will actually see it.
lynx -dump http://www.megla.net/techdbhome.php:
Sunday 01 June 2003
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tabulation tabulation
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tabulation tabulation
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[6]As Shadows Fade - A local Nottingham band's website
[7]Dead Cell - A Papa Roach fansite
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[8]Valid HTML 4.01! [9]Valid CSS! trans
techDB: PC technical resources database
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techDB has been designed to take over the job of a certain thread on
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1 Jun 2003, 17:13
Born Sinful
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would alt="" be considered valid?
I'll have a play with the unicode zero width thing after exams (tried spaces, that ****ed up the layout in other ways).
Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen.
2 Jun 2003, 14:12
Join Date: Dec 2000
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Originally posted by meglamaniac
Looks like it isn't dealing with <td colspan=blah> properly.
1.3.1 is out as is 1.4 RC1 - all I can suggest is trying it in one of them.
1.4RC1 is still displaying your site like pants
2 Jun 2003, 14:22
Born Sinful
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I know, I ended up trying it myself.
It's really odd behaviour - I can see no valid reason to NOT allocate space just because they're not drawn.
Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen.
2 Jun 2003, 16:22
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i saved the page, removed the standards declaration so moz ran in 'quirks mode' and loaded the page. still borked.
2 Jun 2003, 17:38
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What's it supposed to look like?
2 Jun 2003, 18:45
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Hey megla, I w3'ed your page:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<title>megla.net mockup</title>
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<h2 class="navhead">Hosted by megla.net:</h2>
<ul><li><a href="http://www.megla.net/shadowsfade/" target="_blank"
class="navlink">As Shadows Fade</a> - A local Nottingham band's
<li><a href="http://www.megla.net/deadcell/" target="_blank"
class="navlink">Dead Cell</a> - A Papa Roach fansite</ul>
<a href="http://validator.w3.org/check/referer"><img border="0"
src="techdbhome.php_files/valid-html401.gif" alt="Valid HTML 4.01!"
height="31" width="88"></a>
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<h3 class="headline">techDB: PC technical resources database</h3>
<p>Welcome to techDB!
<p>techDB has been designed to take over the job of a <a
href="http://pirate.planetarion.com/">certain thread</a> on the
Planetarion forums which contains a list of resources useful to the
users of the Programming and Discussion, and Hardware and Tech Support
forums. The list has grown to be very large and has proven time
consuming and tedious to maintain. It has also become increasingly
difficult to use the list as searching it involves simply reading many
hundreds of links.
<p>The aim of this system is to provide an way to access and
administer the same information, which is open to everyone - both to
view and to contribute to. Anyone can submit a resource link, and see
it in the database as soon as it has been checked for validity by
yours truely.
<p>This should hopefully be within 24 hours.
<h3 class="headline">Make your choice:</h3>
<li><a href="http://www.megla.net/techdbsearch.php">Search the database</a>
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entries, dead links, or any other problems</a></ul>
<h3 class="headline">Terms Of Use:</h3>
<p>All I ask is that you use the system
responsibly. A system like this will hopefully be of a lot more use to
everyone, so don't abuse it.
<p>One thing to note, as it's bound to
happen sooner or later, is that submitting
fake/dumb/insulting/whatever resources will simply be a waste of time
<li>They will never be shown in the database as they won't get past
<li>The validation system allows me to delete submissions in bulk,
hundreds at a time if necessary</ol>
<div class="navBlock"><h2 class="navhead">Space-filling block!</h2></div>
<hr class="hide">
<p class="small">Monday 02 June 2003
<p class="copyright">Site design ©2003 M.Dale
<p class="small">CSS support and a resolution of 800x600 or above recommended.
<p class="small">Site design, layout and content by M.Dale unless otherwise
specified. All rights reserved.
2 Jun 2003, 20:26
Born Sinful
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Location: Loughborough, UK
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Originally posted by queball
What's it supposed to look like?
Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen.
4 Jun 2003, 01:44
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Originally posted by queball
ObStyleNazi: Using tables for this kind of layout is horrible when <div>s and styles and borders and so forth could do at least some of the jobs. And you probably shouldn't use alt="tabulation", etc - ok, alternate text is required by the validator, but someone using a textmode browser will actually see it.
quoted for agreement
11 Jun 2003, 17:30
Born Sinful
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Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen.
14 Jun 2003, 14:25
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:: R4: 163:22:13 :: R5: 2:14:20 :: R6: 21:5:15 :: R7: 29:19:3 :: R8: 41:7:8 :: R9: 36:7:2 :: R9.5: 2:4:2 ::
The Web brings people together because no matter what kind of a twisted sexual mutant you happen to be, you've got millions of pals out there. Type in "Find people that have sex with goats that are on fire" and the computer will ask, "Specify type of goat."
Jason Alexander
16 Jun 2003, 23:23
Spelling is for pussies
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Actually, where the feck am I........?
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Hmm, the Submit an Entry link isn't working...?
If God made me in his image, he's one fat ugly biatch.
I always get the soggy biscuit
Veni Vidi Codi
17 Jun 2003, 14:36
Born Sinful
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Read the thread.
Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen.
17 Jun 2003, 15:18
Spelling is for pussies
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Actually, where the feck am I........?
Posts: 445
Are you kidding, the answer to my question was like 3 sentences in. You expect me to read that much...? Pah.
If God made me in his image, he's one fat ugly biatch.
I always get the soggy biscuit
Veni Vidi Codi
23 Aug 2016, 15:56
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Re: Links, Links, Links: The second coming
Any good books for Java or Python ?
I want to try myself there.
3 Oct 2016, 11:14
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Re: Links, Links, Links: The second coming
Thank you so much your post. It's useful.
26 Jul 2017, 04:19
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Re: Links, Links, Links: The second coming
Thankyou for the link ^^
26 Jul 2017, 04:19
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Re: Links, Links, Links: The second coming
New user here
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