Conspiracy: Current State of Affairs.
This is in no way a thread to belittle CT or anything. Also I thought it would be a good alternative to the yes/no games Asc/App have been playing in other threads, with the occasional ND poster coming along.
Before the round, and in the previous 4-5 rounds, CT did not prove to be such a good bet when it came to 'competent Planetarion' and 'sane political moves'. However in the prelude to this round, Angryduck has posted a lot that things were going to change.
Now since I am not exactly mr. Current Affairs, but also not totally out of the loop, I must say that I hear very little news concerning CT.
So my question is twofold:
1) How are things going internally. Angryduck, what is your opinion of CT?
2) Is CT planning to mingle in any of the big bad blocks, naps and other stuff that is at the moment happening?
I know I am prone to write my thought from A to D without telling B and C, so if something is unclear, please ask or point it out, and then I will try to elaborate/explain.
Audentes Fortuna Iuvat
Last edited by Knight Theamion; 15 Apr 2010 at 00:17.
Reason: preamble.