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Unread 1 May 2009, 23:42   #1
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New Change Tracker

To completement the suggestions forum and give greater visibility and tracking to bugs and new features, I've added a change tracker here.

-Place all bugs here (I will base my coding on it)
-Place all suggestions here that you feel have sufficient backing on the Planetarion Suggestions (or, in rare cases, Planetarion Discussions forum), with a summary of the change and a link to the thread. Minor suggestions may not need it.

Whilst posts to add details to change items are welcome, please keep conversation and arguments from the change items and keep them on the suggestions forum.

Anyone can view the change list, and all forum users can add changes, but please be warned that they will be moderated by me, and abuse will not be tolerated. If too many people seem to be messing around, then I'll change it so only pa team / support team members can raise tickets.

If this does not appear to be a useful / popular addition, then I will phase it out.

Please keep in mind that any predictions on time are liable to change

P.S. I know I haven't announced this in-game; I will tomorrow.
r8-10 RaH r10.5-12 MISTU
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Unread 2 May 2009, 00:13   #2
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Re: New Change Tracker

I like!

Lets hope it works in practice and not just theory
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Unread 2 May 2009, 00:39   #3
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Re: New Change Tracker

Tidy up stats tables. Amalgamate guns/dmg, with EMP guns or damage aiming at E/R. Have E/R work like EMP armour rather than the crazy headache sytem we have now. Far more intuitive and shouldn't need much work. Thread.

Improve ingame attacks. Ruler or planetname is pretty much worthless info. Race, value, size are useful. Also, optional numbers of waves, ability to open/join waves perhaps. Another thread here. And another one.

Cut down protection to 24 ticks or remove it altogether. One thread here. Can be simplified by using current 'upgrade planet' style of applying research points, roids etc. Allow people to pick prebuilt planets or to assign points how they please.

Restructure scans so that new players can attack. Start with a workable planet/unit/landing scan that go through distorters. Maybe make last scan research 'improved amplifiers' or something, which would reduce all scan costs to 1k of each. New players can still play and scanners aren't vital. But there is a tactical benefit to having them.

All are KISS compatible and shouldn't be too demanding on coding time.
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Unread 2 May 2009, 01:55   #4
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Re: New Change Tracker

Gate, you're meant to post it on the tracker [assuming it's not already there - 2-3 are, if you read]

not sure about the protection (see Kal's thread)

Scans do probably need to change, even if it's through making an ingame scan list (which mz, if no one else, will crucify me for)
r8-10 RaH r10.5-12 MISTU
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Unread 2 May 2009, 10:42   #5
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Gate is an inspiration to us all and we should try to be more like himGate is an inspiration to us all and we should try to be more like himGate is an inspiration to us all and we should try to be more like himGate is an inspiration to us all and we should try to be more like himGate is an inspiration to us all and we should try to be more like himGate is an inspiration to us all and we should try to be more like himGate is an inspiration to us all and we should try to be more like himGate is an inspiration to us all and we should try to be more like himGate is an inspiration to us all and we should try to be more like himGate is an inspiration to us all and we should try to be more like himGate is an inspiration to us all and we should try to be more like him
Re: New Change Tracker

For some reason the 'here' link appears on my browser as the nice dark shade of blue that the forums are
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Unread 2 May 2009, 10:47   #6
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Re: New Change Tracker

Added access to the 1/3 of the forums that I didn't spot first time around
r8-10 RaH r10.5-12 MISTU
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