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Unread 4 Apr 2003, 19:36   #147
Posts: n/a
I'm sorry Rumad, _you_ are wrong. Contract law has absolutely no bearing on this discussion. We have conceded that PA Crew has the _legal_ right to delete anyone at any time for any reason that they chose, without any sort of review or appeal. That is not the issue. Likewise, the notion that we (or anyone else) would even attempt to bring litigation against PA Crew (for an insignificant sum) is preposterous and should be ignored as a non-issue.

The argument here is whether they _ought_ to delete Rabbagast for violating a rule that was not clearly articulated so that all players understood it. All players. Not the 11-or-so percent that regularly attend Creators Hour. Not those who lurk on the AD boards and cry for blood against whomever appears to be winning at any given point. Every player reads the EULA, most every player reads the Manual (particularly in a round where ship stats were changed). These are places where it would be most appropriate to make a change in the rules (and it has been done there in the past).

Arbitrary deletions undermine the EULA, and are simply bad business. PA Crew would do well to consider that when trying to re-build faith in a game that has suffered from bad business decision after bad decision.
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